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Guest Name
Shirley Bolstok
Shirley Bolstok
Guest Occupation
Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Psychic, DNA Activations
Guest Biography

Shirley does very specific work called the Number “8” and I AM DNA Activations. She’s a certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, works with past lives, mediumistic information, frequencies and some other modalities. She reads and works with each individual as a part of the collective consciousness and provides tools for your own ascension.

Shirley was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Her parents were Holocaust Survivors. She has authored books such as "Apples from the tree of Life, Impassioned Soul, and Grapes from the Vines of Life." She is an energy healer, speaker, teacher as well as a medium who is able to connect with those on the other side and has spoken at the 11:11 and 12:12 Earth Star Conferences in and has been guest on numerous radio shows. She does very specific work called the Number "8" and I AM DNA Activations. Shirley is a certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, works with past lives, mediumistic information, frequencies and some other modalities. Questions about various healing systems are also invited. She reads and works with each individual as a part of the collective consciousness. Her goal is to give each individual the tools to work with their own ascension and works with mapping within the Spiritual Physical and Emotional Bodies that lead to increased consciousness, abundance and awakening to our true selves.