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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Title: S2 EP21 | Uplifting the World and Holding the High Note with Jane Lee Rankin and her Alpacas

Jane Lee Rankin went from being a pregnant, unmarried author with breast cancer to a life she could only have imagined.

Having no support from her family, Jane literally bought a farm. Her first experience with her beloved alpacas ended in tragedy. Jane Lee was undeterred and started from scratch again. Only this time, the universe took her in an unexpected direction.

Listen to the interview to see how Jane Lee is uplifting the world by holding the High Note.

Thank you, Jane Lee for your courage, determination, adventurousness, joy, passion and brilliance. You are our hero.

Jane Lee Rankin is a farmer and the founder of Apple Hill Farm, an award-winning first-generation farm in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. Lee is an advocate for farmers through her leadership and involvement in the North Carolina Agritourism Networking Association. She frequently speaks about farm tourism and the benefits of diversifying farm portfolios at conferences locally and nationally. In 2021, Lee won runner-up for North Carolina Small Farmer of the Year.

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