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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Is Biden’s Push For Earliest Debate In History Aimed To Offset Polls Weighing Against Him Amid Inflation Dissatisfaction? Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi Has Died In A Helicopter Crash, And Senate To Re-Introduce Its Failed Immigration Package

6 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Rick Manning- Is Biden’s push for earliest debate in history aimed to offset polls weighing against him amid inflation dissatisfaction? Sunsetting Section 230 is an attack on free speech and will end the free and open internet as we know it and Little Guy wins in FAA reauthorization. The President of Americans for Limited Government reports.

9:32-9:42a ET- Col Eric Buer- Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash in a remote, mountainous area of Iran's northwest. Raisi’s death comes just weeks after Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel. Mystery surrounds the crash, and details are still tricking in. The Marine Lt Colonel has flown dozens of attack helicopter missions across Middle East hotspots and knows the terrain well. He is also the author of Ghosts of Baghdad, a true story that chronicles the Marine attack helicopter pilot’s authentic and compelling firsthand account of the opening days and nights of the Iraq War.

9:46-9:58a ET- Eric Ruark- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced the Senate will re-introduce its failed immigration package this week. When the bill was originally introduced, NumbersUSA said, "On the illegal immigration front, the Senate Border bill requires the processing of at least 500,000 and up to 1.8M illegal encounters per year into the United States. The Director of Research and Public Relations with NumbersUSA explains.

10:06-10:29a ET- Daniel Greenfield- In his new, highly anticipated and timely book, DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left, the investigative journalist reveals that the Left is America's oldest enemy. Leftists obsessed with imposing socialist policies and beliefs, (the antithesis of the American way of life), were active long before the 1960s; in fact, they were around in George Washington's day.

10:32-10:42a ET- Chris Worthington- The Christian filmmaker, and founder of the Christian film production company “Every Nation Will Bow” joins us to discuss his new movie, Multiplied.

10:46-10:58a ET- Scott Schara- Colorado lawmakers OK bill on medical malpractice. This specific piece of legislation arose out a compromise between conflicting parties, this time dealing with liability law. This bill symbolizes a compromise between medical malpractice attorneys and insurance companies. But where is the representation for patients? The podcaster and the founder and president of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc., reports.
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