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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Breaking News, Day 241 Of The Israel Hamas War, Urge States To Sue NY To Overturn Trump Conviction At U.S. Supreme Court! The Trump Trial Verdict Is Backfiring On Democrats And Is Mobilizing Voters In Trump's Favor, And President Biden Issues His Latest Border EO Just In Time For The Election-Where Have You’ve Been The Past Three Years?

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Rick Manning- Urge States To Sue NY To Overturn Trump Conviction At U.S. Supreme Court! The President of Americans for Limited Government says, we don’t have to wait for November. Something has to be done now.

9:32-9:42a ET- Bill Pascoe- The Trump trial verdict is backfiring on Democrats and is mobilizing voters in Trump's favor, according to Tea Party Patriots Action. The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Political Director and TPP’s Man in Washington says, “The best evidence is that Trump raised over $200 million in the first three days after the verdict, primarily from small donors.”

9:46-9:58a ET- James Massa- On day one of his presidency, President Biden began the current border crisis by dismantling effective border policies and enforcement measures then in place. Now after three years of a sustained surge, entry of up to 10 million inadmissible aliens, and the Senate twice refusing to vote on bad legislation that codifies crisis levels of illegal entry, the President has proclaimed an executive order that overrides the good sense of both chambers of Congress. The CEO of Numbers USA joins us to report.

10:06-10:29a ET- Sam Jolman- The idea is this ... that in our sex-obsessed world, it might seem strange to say that men need more talk about sex rather than less. But as Christian men navigate our “anything goes” culture, as well as the often shame-inducing “purity culture” of the church, many end up viewing sex as an area of shame, brokenness, and confusion. In his new book, The Sex Talk You Never Got, the trauma therapist with over twenty years of experience specializing in men’s issues and sexual trauma recovery confronts some of the stifling stereotypes.

10:32-10:42a ET- Dr Kimberly Underwood- New Research Indicates that Workplace Belonging Increases Job Performance and Talent Retention. The Chair at the Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research at the University of Phoenix discusses the Gap in Social Capital and Importance of Workplace Belonging.
10:46-10:58a ET- Veronique de Rugy- If Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections are to be believed, the nation’s debt will hit 116% of gross domestic product in 10 years. Think of it as a household earning $100,000 annually with $116,000 in revolving debt. But what if the CBO’s calculations are wrong? According to Mercatus Center economist even small errors in the CBO’s many projections, suppositions and guesses would have huge and detrimental effects on the economy.
Guest, Laurie Seymour, Founder and CEO of The Baca Institute