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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Today's Crisis and Opportunity as Maitreya Returns to Teach and Guide Humanity

By the millions, by the billions, humanity is ready to wake up to Oneness, and that's the major theme of our time. We are one human family, and we are not alone. The ancient wisdom teachers are returning with humanity's eldest brother, Maitreya, who teaches sharing, justice and peace. Still, it is up to us to remake the world. The ongoing mindfulness practices of honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment, along with transmission meditation, can help us come to know our true Self as we transcend fear and reclaim our divine birthright.
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Another day another hoax. The DOJ leaked audio of Trump talking about classified documents but turns out he was actually showing copies of newspaper stories. And the whole thing has nothing to actually do with the DOJ indictment.