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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Master Hynotherapist Ray Zukowski, who has been practicing over 20 years. He teaches hypnotherapy at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, Washington USA. He has been a speaker and teacher at major Expos, Dean of Education at a 2 year post secondary school, Manager of Engineering at Timex Watch Company and even had my own television program called "The Mind's Eye". I have been on a Metaphysical/Spiritual quest most of my life.
Ray says that hypnosis or dealing with the subconscious is the medicine of the future, and that we live in a world of delusion. We have come to accept so many untruths. He also says that the ETs are among us already all the time.
He says there are many dimensions that we are unaware of, and we need to look at the bigger picture. We are one world. We are all living on this tiny speck of a planet. We all need to live as one. What we are taught and accept becomes our beliefs. Our beliefs determine our perspective. Our perspectives determine our judgements, discriminations and attitudes in life. Change these and change your life.
The program will be in both German and in English. To listen, please go to and listen live from 12 noon to 2 pm Pacific Time, or 9 pm to 11 pm Central European Time. The show will be in both English and in German.
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