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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Kez Wickham St George is the driver of her own creativity and her passion is to inspire and nurture others to tell their stories. Her values are simple; when you touch a heart; we can change a life. By encouraging you to write or journal her belief is, it will only add value to your life.

Good morning Kez today we want to talk about the ART of writing and how writers can “hone their skills and write ways that have an impact, other than publishing a book

But before we get onto todays topics, I’m a bit excited to announce that my next co-authored book with Corey Pointer and it's being launched on Amazon as we speak and its about to become a best seller. I'm a part of, bLU Talks Presents Business, Life and The Universe, Vol. 4. This book is part of a series (think Chicken Soup meets TEDx) and the stories are inspirational, educational, motivational and most of all, vulnerable. The books include 30(ish) stories by co-authors that have bared their soul, and I truly think this book can, and will, transform lives.

Grab your copy before the price increase!

The Art of writing

Kez there has to be a “why” behind each piece we write doesn’t there? How do people find the why?

When I was researching for the show I found an article that referred to creative writing as “art” the art of making things up. How true do you think this is for modern day aspiring writers?

I also found the there are 5 types of writing – expository, descriptive, narrative, persuasive and creative. Do you find this is a true statement and what defines these main types of writing?

Expository writing – explain or expose, convey information to the reader to help them better understand something

Descriptive writing – to write in a way that describes a place, time person or thing so as to paint a picture in the readers mind.

Narrative writing – or story writing, with characters, conflict. 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.

Persuasive writing – non fiction writing that encourages logical arguments or cohesive discussion.

Creative writing – creativity is at the forefront of its purpose. It uses imaginative, embellished or outside the box thinking and subject matter.

An age old question – are writers born or made? What do you think Kez? Can everybody write, are good writers created and developed by working with coaches?

What constitutes basic writing skills? Proper spelling and punctuation, good reading comprehension, sentence and paragraph construction, knowledge and understanding the different types of writing and editing and rewriting.

What sorts of avenues are there for writers? Technical writers, copy writers, journalists, magazine, articles, social media, bloggers, editors, radio, TV, communications director, speech writer, screenwriter, novelist, proposal writer, content strategist etc etc

Why is it important to diversify as a writer? Additional skills, knowledge and understanding, other income avenues, stops boredom and offers a challenge, endless online opportunities.

Finally – why is writing so important for humanity? Communication, builds discipline, engages both sides of your brain, helps resolve problems and issues, influences society, history, everyone can do it, great for your mental heath, helps achieve personal goals when written down, organizes your thoughts, an outlet for your creativity, clarifies your ideas, forms bonds between humans
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Short Description: The return of a great teacher is a common theme found in the chronicles of the great religions and indigenous traditions. What if this event has already taken place? David Mynott II presents this Share International Canada production.