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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Program Title: The Andreia Method, Conscious Action

Guest(s): Helen Robinett, Helen Robinett Consulting

Each week I’ll be here talking with You about You. We’ll be exploring the issues and problem you face it getting your life to look the way you want it to Be. Working on why you are not already living a life where you inspire Impact and influence your world through being who you were born to be …and not who you’ve been told you should/have/must (pick your flavour of domestication) BE?

Tanja isn’t able to be with us today so it’s my great pleasure to welcome my co- host for today Helen Robinett. Helen specializes in helping women in Executive Roles elevate their executive presence and reputation to get the board roles they really want. Welcome Helen how has your week been?

Today we are going to be talking about the 3rd module of the Andreia Method “Taking Conscious Action”.

As listeners will recall over the past two weeks Tanja and I have talked about the first two modules of the Andreia Method “Discover Your Default” and “Create a New You” and those programs are available to download right here at BBS Radio or from wherever they get their podcasts.

Just quickly, those to modules are all about working out why your life looks like it does and what you can do about it. And today our focus is on Taking Conscious Action and it’s 4 components, Be Do Have, Accountability Who are you going to tell, Focus and Gratitude. Tell us why these four lessons? How do they contribute to Creating a new Me?

As this series unfolds, we will spend an entire program on each of these lessons and we invite listeners who may have purchased the Andreia Method to send us in questions they have about aspects they may be struggling with.
Guests, Ted Trimpa, Peter Boyles and Joy Overbeck.

The Greatest Of All Time… Rush Limbaugh passed away today after dominating talk radio for three decades. 710KNUS talk show host Peter Boyles talks with Chuck and Julie about how Limbaugh shaped the industry and conservative politics. Plus Democrat strategist Ted Trimpa on the open feud between Mitch McConnell and Donald Trum