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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Pastor Artur Pawlowski and Dr. Carolyn White

Part 1, Guest: Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Part 2, Guest: Dr. Carolyn White

Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Artur Pawlowski is a Polish-Canadian political activist, LGBTQ critic and street preacher. Pawlowski was born on March 28, 1973, in Kożuchów, Poland. Currently he is a street preacher in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He operates a Christian street outreach organization called Street Church.

Artur Pawlowski is a Canadian who was born in Poland on March 28, 1973, in a city called Kożuchów. He grew up under a Communist regime seeing soldiers with machine guns and tanks on the streets as people rose up in 1981 to fight for their freedoms. Soon after, he watched the end of communism in Poland.

Dr. Carolyn White
From Olympia, Washington

Dr. Carolyn White has a Ph.D. in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Carolyn White PhD—Author, Speaker and Intuitive Chakra Life Coach—is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH), a Certified Spiritual Counselor (CSC), Reiki Master and an International Hypnosis Federation Certified Instructor (CHI).

Her passion for learning about our Human Energy System and the Mind/Body/Spirit connection has spanned over four decades, during which time she sought out mentors who were wise and pure of heart. In 2007, Carolyn capped her life’s achievements with a doctoral program and thesis awarding her a PhD in Esoteric Studies from American Pacific University. She is a certified Reflexologist, a Level III IACT Color Therapist and a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant. Carolyn’s love of painting motivated her to extensively study color at Emily Carr College.

Her years in the computing and software industry with husbnad Gerry honed her problem solving, communicating and teaching skills. ​

Over the years, Carolyn has applied her studies and experience to help others discover their innate beauty and inner wisdom. Her classes evolved into several books so she could share these wisdom teachings to a broader audience.

Besides writing, speaking and chakra coaching, Carolyn volunteers for both the Emoto Peace Project America, serving on the board of directors and the Elks, serving as the newletter publisher. She loves to create - from graphic design, websites, sewing, knitting to restoring vintage trailers. Carolyn performs with her guitarist husband Gerry, singing and playing the bass guitar.

Chakra Coach
As a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant, Dr. Carolyn has worked with many clients to help them understand the current state of their Human Energy System - the Aura and Chakras.

Her unique background and experience marries the biofeedback technology of the Aura & Chakra Imaging System with her intuitive and interpretive insight. This provides you with an in-depth analysis of your Aura and Chakras.

Since 2005, Carolyn has been privileged to do many consultations using the Aura & Chakra Imaging System. For her clients, seeing the representative size, shape, and color of their chakras is an empowering experience—one that enables you to discover your “inner-wisdom.” With Carolyn’s sharing and guidance, these aura and chakra images show how your emotions and thoughts change your inner state for living at a higher vibration.

Based on your unique Aura and Chakra Imaging session, Dr. Carolyn coaches you with tried and proven techniques that help you clear and balance your chakras. She shares with you what she "sees" in your aura and chakras and helps you understand how you can be pro-active to transform your life.

For additional information on an Aura & Chakra Imaging session, please visit

The Calendar lists the day and location of fairs and events where Aura & Chakra photos are offered.

For a private consultation, please contact Dr. Carolyn.
Up In The Air with Robert Fulton

In the first of 2 shows our guest today is an inspirational reinvention specialist, author, and pilot. Robert Fulton was just 3 months shy of retirement, having fully vested in his employer’s retirement plan, when they pulled his program and laid everyone off! Robert was forced to reinvent himself and for the first time in his life, in his 50yr career he was grounded. Robert had to figure out how to overcome PTDS, deep depression and what on earth to do in his late 60’s. Out of this time was born a book – Up in the sir, a pilot’s journey, his aviation memoir spanning 50 yrs. Robert also became an award winning speaker with Toastmasters and now he speaks on overcoming obstacles, reinvention, retirement and leadership.

Let’s start at the beginning and talk about you and your journey – you discovered a love for flying quite early in life, it’s a special story and I’d like you to tell the listeners about that early love. Blimp, whats a blimp,

There’s an interesting story from your childhood about leaning to pleat a skirt by the age of 8….that no mean feat, how come you learnt how to

Robert, tell the audience about what happened as you grew older – pumping gas and flight school, Calgary, private pilot’s license,

There was a leaflet you saw in a show window that changed your life. Tell us about that – army leaflet, basic training, wanted flight training but ended up a helicopter pilot,

We want to delve into all your flight and Vietnam stories on the show next week but can you briefly let the audience about all the different types of flight roles that you’ve had over the years – helicopters, war and combat, fixed wing, crop dusting, Southwest airlines etc

After such a long and illustrious career you were preparing for retirement and something life changing happened, what was that?

What was the aftermath of this horrible situation?

I understand your PTSD (Vietnam) was retriggered and you suffered from depression, can you tell our listeners what that was like and how you managed to recover?

Tell us about the decision to write the book, was it difficult and what was the process like?

I want to briefly touch on Toastmasters and how they helped in your recovery

Finally You’ve had some amazing book reviews so far and I want to read one of these for the listeners today –

Book Reviews: Exciting Flying Memoir! A collection of auto-biographical short stories from the author’s experiences as a both a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot, Robert Fulton’s thrilling new memoir kept me turning the pages late into the night! Fulton writes gut-wrenching moments that brought me to tears and hair-raising experiences explained in detail. The author’s wonderful story-telling puts the reader right in the pilot’s seat through Vietnam, Arctic flying, perilous wire-filled cities, and low-visibility night flying. “Up in the Air” is an excellent read to be enjoyed by pilots and passengers alike.

There’s plenty of wonderful reviews for the book – from women especially – have you found this interesting?

Why do you think women are buying this memoir in such numbers and especially for their husbands?

Why to buy the book, how to connect with Robert

Join us next week when we talk to Robert about the stories of his life in Up in the Air.