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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests activist Georg Habitzreither and then Q

First Guest: Georg Habitzreither, activist
Second Guest: Q, the Letter before 'R'

Georg Habitzreither is from southwest Germany. More than 20 years ago he began to realize, that we are living in a world full of lies. Georg states: “I haven’t felt “right” all my life. My intension is healing. For many years I have devoted myself to “the paths to happiness” and deal with spirituality, history, technology, economics, Q, and so on”

Georg Habitzreither - Georg's Paths to Bliss
Georg Habitzreither informs about exciting topics of current contemporary history. He not only answers questions of current events, but also illuminates and analyzes them in a larger – sometimes also spiritual context.

George's own way
Even as a child conspicuously (because much too well-behaved) he soon developed an allergy to the untruth lived in society, to blind obedience and to any routine that quickly becomes boring for him.

His high sensitivity quickly led to the fact that things were not simply accepted, but always questioned.

Whether in his studies or in his changing professional life, the question of speaking his mind or keeping his mouth shut never really arose for him.
His way of seeing the world from different angles led him to enter spirituality and the depths of psychology at the age of 23.

A really hard phase of life, in which he finally renounced everything, made him experience unemployment as well as homelessness and led him to absolute zero, which was also his rebirth.

He recognized the "self behind the ego" and made his way into the deepest depths of the rabbit hole.
Bringing Intimacy Back with Dr. April Brown, cohost Dr Kelly Bushey and guest Dominey Drew

Dominey is the premiere in personal and relationship coaching. Her direct, intuitive approach is unlike anything else in the industry – she solves in mere minutes issues that people have struggled with for decades. She’s been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine and ThriveGlobal for her work, and now travels the world teaching her process of Inner Evolution.