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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Radio Toni and The Soul of Business with Damian Papworth and co-host Toni Lontis

This is the second in our series of co hosted shows with entrepreneur and businessman Damian Papworth. We are going to be talking about a new way of doing business and as Damian says “we want to change the world”. Before I introduce you to Damian here’s what you need to know:

Soulpreneurs all have a craft, a gift that when we share, we make the world a better place.

Damian Papworth’s craft is business. This became obvious as he transitioned from corporate to business in 2000 and had quickly built and sold 2 businesses within his first couple of years!

Now on his third business, another business he created from an idea born out of a sense of purpose, Damian found himself enjoying a business grown to ten times the size of the second. Damian was really enjoying, he was in the “flow” of the businss, contributing to the community, his life in balance, and it's amazing.

So, this sparked an idea, after 20 years of "school of hard knocks" business wisdom, of amplified success, of seeing what works and what doesn't, Damian decided he wanted to share all that knowledge with others.

Why? Well, like you, Damian wants to make the world a better place. And the best way he can do this is to support people like you, people with a gift, a passion, a purpose.

So if you are sitting in your purpose, wanting to change the world through grassroots service, but need some support working through the business side of things, Damians is here to support you, via The Soul of Business.

Damian is looking forward to meeting you here each week for the next 6 weeks of sharing from real life business experiences.

Welcome back to the show Damian, we are delighted to have you here with us and excited about what the next 3 shows have to offer the audience.

Today we want to talk about The Universal Laws which I love talking about, but this show I want to let Damian align some of those laws to business and why that’s important. There are generally considered 12 Universal Laws and they are, very briefly:

1. Law of divine oneness - This law states that we are all connected through creation. Every single atom inside of you is connected in some way, shape, or form to the rest of the universe you move through.
2. Law of vibration - Everything in the universe has a frequency and a vibration.
3. Law of correspondence - our lives are created by the subconscious patterns we repeat every single day, and these patterns either serve us or hold us back.
4. Law of attraction - This is the law of vibration in action, it is a mirror of our self-worth and mind-set.
5. Law of inspired action - is about taking action in order to bring what you want into our lives.
6. Law of perpetual transmutation of energy - even the smallest action can have a profound effect.
7. Law of cause and effect - The law of cause and effect, also known as the law of karma.
8. Law of compensation - law of compensation is about reaping what you sow.
9. Law of relativity - Nothing and no one is inherently good or bad
10. Law of polarity - Everything has a polar opposite: If there’s an up, there’s a down
11. Law of perpetual motion - everything is forever changing
12. The law of giving and receiving - operate within all of us, and in order to create flow, they need to be in balance.
Damian why is it important for you to integrate these universal laws in The Soul of Business?
1. Firstly, lets start with the most popular of all the Laws and the one that most of us are familiar with…The Law of Attraction – What’s the idea behind the Law of Attraction, what does it speak about and what has been your experience with the law of attraction?
2. The Law of inspired action – Damian you are an action taker what is inspired action and how is it sustainable?
3. Next, we want to talk about the Law of Vibration and how we match our vibration with what we want in life and business. How does this law work Damian?
4. Damian The Law of Oneness is about humanity being all one, the idea that what we do to others we do to ourselves. How does this law impact our lives?
5. Law of cause and effect is often referred to as the Karmic law – what you sow you reap. How does this law relate to business? Why do you use the analogy of Kale seeds?
6. According to the Law of perpetual transmutation of energy nothing is static. You link this to marketing, why is that Damian? Tell us about Simon?
7. Law of compensation – so this has been a really big one for me this year and this law relates to receiving! Im so good at giving but I needed to work on receiving. Tell us about the law of compensation and why it’s a cycle of energy?
8. Law of relativity is all about challenges. How does our perspective relate to this law?

Damian what are we talking about next week? The Soul of Business Framework

Toni’s Notes
Law of Attraction – ability to attract what we focus on, thoughts + action = attraction, its all energy, speaks to self value, pricing example, quantum physics, power of the mind, positivity breeds positivity, visualization.

Law of inspired action – Do something, take action, ground it in reality, mediate, Alchemy topic, challenge with inspiration, habits.

Law of Vibration – living life as we want it, self doubt, imposter syndrome and its low vibration, , vision is everything, language, structures, stories,

The Law of Oneness - This is abundance or scarcity, Competition = scarcity, How we see others? Comrades or competitors, Tall poppy last week
Law of cause and effect - Vision. How strong. What are you prepared to let go of Legacy. Or just a now thing? If we aren't seeding the ultimate will it happen? My Kale seeds Principles... Values... Until they cost you money

Law of perpetual transmutation of energy - Nothing is static. Everything moves and changes. Can literally create of of thin air, Intention and surrender, My Simon story

Law of compensation - love this, To receive, we need to give, freely and without expectation. Expectation and no appreciation is blockage, Anything we do/tell ourselves that gets in the way becomes a block, For us, this is mostly to do with our relationship with receiving, Energy flows, it is not a store, it needs to move I'm not worth that. They can't afford that. How can we give to our potential if we never receive?

Law of relativity Challenges. The degree is relative and up to our perspective. Look for the gold on the other side, So much to gain from every experience, Nothing ever wasted Perspective - falling asleep at netball, getting home irritated by kids outside and reflected 100% perspective at all times

Thank you, don’t forget to tune in next week for the next show in the series.

Damian’ links and connections

Links for Jenn and Pao and and
LinkedIn business page
Electronic form to be a business guest

Links to co-hosted shows:
Book a call or zoom with Toni -
Vickie Luna Miller is a world-renowned spiritual leader, teacher, medium, intuitive and master energy healer, she helps everyone heal and manifest their best life! Vickie loves to open people up to their magical powers within to live a magical, abundant life.

Over 20 years ago Vickie fully stepped into her power and is so passionate about sharing her work with the world. Helping others to connect to spirit and work with energy to heal, grow, and manifest abundance to live their best life is her gift to the world!

Vickie is a powerful mover and shaker of everything and anything energy, and she is ready to lead you out of mediocrity so you can step into LIVING your dreams. As a master energy healer Vickie is able to see and remove stuck energy in a person’s mind, body, life and past lives. She works with pets and unborn babies too.

Vickie has a podcast called The Vickie Miller Podcast, does a live show on Facebook and YouTube, The Vickie Miller Show, she is the author of the book; “Manifest ANYTHING YOU WANT in 30 Days”.

The Founder of Magical University, an online energy healing University. Helping people and their magic to expand their intuition, help them learn how to work with energy to heal and manifest so they can live the life they’ve dreamed of.

The Manifesting Magic Group Membership is for people who want a better life and to manifest their desires into reality. It’s a fun healing and manifesting group, people have manifested so many things. One person manifested a car! Lives have been changed and people have been transformed.

The Goddess Empowerment Membership is for women who are ready to step into their power. Women who are ready to love wildly, live authentically and change their lives!

Vickie has been featured on TV, in newspapers, and several radio shows over the years. You can even find her in Ripley’s Believe it or Not (2006). She was also the winner of Hay House Publishing’s Mover and Shaker award.

Vickie’s pet readings began when she started her first dog bakery in 1999 “Dudley’s Dog Bakery”, in SW Florida. A dog came into her store and immediately Vickie’s stomach started to hurt. Long story short, she saved the dog’s life by telling the owner she thought something was going on with the dog’s stomach. It ended up the dog had stomach cancer but caught it in enough time.

Vickie has always been a lover of pets and had many growing up. She can communicate to them and feel what they are feeling in her own body. She has helped thousands of pets including horses with health, performance, behavior and overall wellness.

Vickie has 5 beautiful children, three grown sons and two children still at home, she loves being a Mom. She lives in Montecito, California with two children Samantha and Dane, two dogs, Stella, a great dane, and Owen, a puggle.

Good evening Vicki and welcome to Radio Toni, so glad to have you here with us today.

Let’s start with you and your story, if its ok can you share a little of your life with our listeners? Growing up in the church, how early in your life did you recognize these gifts, what made you push your gifts away, what re engaged you with your gifts?

Can you describe what it feels like to read someone’s energy? Does it drain you and how do you protect yourself and your gifts?

I know that you have many many stories can you tell us your favorite healing story, your scariest story and the most heart moving story?

Let’s talk about the Magical University. What can you tell the audience about it?

Today we want to talk about “how to Manifest anything in 30 days”. How did you get started in manifesting Vicki?

Since you’ve been focused on the work of manifesting, what have you experienced personal and what have other people manifested so far?

What other products help in the house to change the energy?

Does meditation help?

Free Ebook for the audience today tell us about it?

Thank you so much for being with us today Vicki

Toni’s notes

I was born a channeler of spirit, connecting one to their heart and soul, aligning them to their magic! This is who I am, I cannot take it out of me, nor would I want to. It is so easy for me to read everyone’s energy with just a name or a picture, including animals.

Can you imagine having your first psychic experience at the age of 5 in a very Southern Baptist household?! And having to ignore your gifts for the first part of your life?! Not a whole lot of fun at all.

For many years I pushed my gifts away because I was taught they were bad. Now I am soooooo appreciative of my gifts and that I opened back up to them! I love my life, it is full of abundance and magic, and I love helping others to live the same way.

Playing with energy and being able to be in communication with the ‘other side’ is so much fun. Everything is energy, once you open up to it, so much can be changed, improved, and manifested!

For over 20 years I have been helping people, animals and even babies not yet born.

As I am only one person, it was impossible for me to do readings and healings on everyone, so I began teaching. I love it, helping people to read and see energy and heal others.

That’s how Magical University, and the Manifesting Magic Monthly Membership came into being. So I could help more people.

Magical University, is an online energy healing University. Helping people and the magic to expand their intuition, help them learn how to work with energy to heal and manifest so they can live their best life! And so they can help heal others and the world. The world needs more healers!

I love to help people grow and evolve by connecting them to spirit and clearing the way to their heart and soul. It’s so easy for me to see and clear stuck energy.

Once I do that the possibilities are endless!