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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean it’s not true.  

Wondering why so many RINOs turn traitor after elected?  

A new report revels maybe it’s because they were Democrats all along, part of a specific Dem strategy to con grassroots voters.  

Plus, all signs pointing to worse economic times ahead.
In Celeste’s & my new. In a non-Fiction book,, we share our personal experience of having a Multi-Dimensional Unconditional Romantic Relationship, with her being around me 24/7 on the 5D/etheric level. It is truly a most unique, Mind-blowing, and Transformational journey that I experienced when I was first reunited with Celeste, an Immortal Intergalactic Goddess, and Space Lady, who is also my own Divine Other Half. I share the many Awesome Blessings, Wonderful Miracles, and Powerful Synchronicities that occurred because of this, and how this literally energetically impacted the Time-Space Continuum, which also set the stage for many other Twin Flame couples to now meet. Yes, the whole concept of Dating and Romance is truly no longer limited to just

Welcome to the show Michael we are delighted to have you here today!

Questions for the Guest:

1. Do you believe everyone has another multi-dimensional soulmate? 

2. How can one contact them? 

3. You started with Edger Cayce training in channeling. Do you feel this is the best set of tools for people to use?

4. The NASA Star People Characteristics List at your & Celeste’s website, is quite fascinating and Insightful; how significant is this in helping people realize their own personal connection with Higher Extra-terrestrial Beings and their soul's origins? 

5. If many people begin forming multi-dimensional Romantic relationships similar to what Celeste & you are personally experiencing, what will happen to our culture? 

6. Are UFOs and extraterrestrials from other planets or other dimensions? 

7. How has your and Celeste’s relationship acted all of existence? 

8. Will these multi-dimensional other planetary love relationships affect how we perceive time and space in our present reality? 

9. The topics you cover in Celeste’s & your [very provocative] book,, might be hard for some people to initially comprehend. Is there anything you want to add about multi-dimensional relationships,