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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Guest, Dr. Olivia Lee Ong, Compassionate Leadership and Resilience, Medical Leadership Coach and Mentor

As a Compassionate Leadership & Resilience Speaker, Dr. Olivia tells her story of how she overcame a devastating spinal cord injury when she was a resident in 2008 and learned to walk again functionally with two sticks and a limp after four agonizing years. Dr. Olivia’s, spinal cord injury taught her a very important life lesson: self-compassion. This is the premise behind her creative business Dr. Olivia Lee Ong, The Heart-Centred Doctor. As an Author, Olivia has just finished writing her book “The Heart-Centeredness of Medicine”. She wrote the book after seeing and hearing about doctors' burnout due to stress and overwork – Dr. Olivia had actually been one of them. She writes in a way that helps doctors to find their way back home to their hearts. Olivia wants them to be able to lead the heart-centered lives they truly deserve. As a Medical Leadership Coach and Mentor, Dr. Olivia helps busy, high achieving heart-centered doctors avoid burnout and exhaustion, to achieve balanced energy and time flexibility through her Life Transformation for Doctors program. She offers 1:1 coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements on burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma in doctors so they can stay in the game longer as a compassionate leaders and leave a positive legacy for the upcoming generation of young doctors.

Welcome to the show Dr. Olivia I want to start the show today with your favorite quote…

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

Why this quote and what does it mean to you?

Since we have 3 shows together I wanted to start at the beginning and talk about your childhood, growing up, and how you got into medicine?

Let’s talk about the spinal cord injury and your story?

Healing and a way back to health

Re-entry to the workforce

The challenges of being a doctor with a disability

What does self-care look like for you

Why don’t doctors practice self-care, healthcare workers self-worth

Impacts on the healthcare system of burnout and overwork

The Heart-centered Doctor – why heart-centered

What does balance mean in your life

How can doctors and healthcare workers connect with you?

Next week we will be delving into Dr. Olivias Book – and the Imposter Syndrome
Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams and guest Lyn Barrett, Author, Speaker and Survivor