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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Michelle Gardiner is the Founder/Director of The Aspire Series, which is a movement and platform for women who are dedicated to pioneering social change and impact as well as a methodology in facilitating change work in the community. 

Michelle has spent fifteen years working in the Australian Child Protection and community sectors, supporting children, young people, and families through some of their most vulnerable life experiences. Through hearing many life stories, Michelle became most passionate about raising the aspirations of young people and women, which has greatly inspired her work with The Aspire Series. This passion parallels Michelle’s own experiences of working to define her own voice and to use this to build a life that she, too, is proud of. 

Michelle firmly believes that with a genuine opportunity, meaningful support, and spaces where we can truly love, value, and believe in ourselves, we are able to become so much bolder than we ever imagined. Michelle also believes that great aspirations must be matched with a great capacity to nurture ourselves, in order to create the sweet spot where female leaders blossom. The kind who are not only creating amazing things for themselves and for the world, they are also doing so in a way that sustains them.  

It is Michelle’s intention in creating The Aspire Series, that as women, we can become more connected and heart-centered leaders, and use one another to become the best that we can be, for ourselves and the future women who model themselves on us. From this place, we can truly influence social change and contribute to the shifting dynamic of both our local communities and our global society. 

We are at a point in time where our stories, experiences, and livelihoods account for so much more than we can imagine and we can not afford to see ourselves in any lesser light. Our stories truly are the gateway to enabling and facilitating so much of the change that we each wish to see in our communities.

Michelle holds a Bachelors of Social and Community Welfare, Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Science (Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy), she is a Yoga Teacher (500 hours - Moksha Yoga Academy) with a background in Life Coaching, individual and collective narrative work, leadership, and empowerment program facilitation and trauma-informed practice. Michelle is a published co-author and holds Australian Non For Profit board experience for survivors of sexual abuse and volunteer experience with refugee communities. 

Michelle lives in Bali, Indonesia where she is enthused by dance, yoga, cooking, chasing the sun, exploring, and learning about people and culture. 

Questions for the Guest:

Questions for Michelle (these questions are a guide only and we may ask other questions as the show progresses – we like the show to remain fluid)

Kez. Hello Michelle, What does the word Aspire mean to you, once you had decided upon that name what was the intention?

Toni. Your past certainly has a story to it would you care to share with our listeners how it all began in Australia

Kez. So your life has led you to Bali, what was the moment you realized this was the place to begin 55 faces

Toni. Where would you like to see your project of 55 faces in a years’ time

Kez. Michelle, what is the purpose for 55 faces

Toni. Where would you like this book to be seen

Kez. How many books do you think you will publish in 2022 Michelle.

Kez. We have a large international audience Michelle and many Genders listening are 55 faces a platform for all.