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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an investigative journalist, who has dedicated 21 years to exposing The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong spiritual movement in China. With a resilient character and a determined mind, he has been working hard on the frontline of a significant cause; which has been coined a “New form of evil.” Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong in China; where hundreds of thousands of these innocent practitioners have been rounded up, sent to over eight hundred state-mandated hospitals; their organs cut out of their bodies while Alive; the organs then sold for massive amounts of profit, and the bodies then burned in crematories to conceal the evidence.

Mitchell’s intention is to get the word out about The Forced Organ Harvesting in China, as well as, gain support across as many media outlets and channels as possible about this new form of evil, especially against the innocent Falun Gong practitioners; and he calls to action kind-hearted human beings who will welcome an interesting discussion about this continuing crime and pressing topic.

You’re joining us from Vietnam today and I want to take a moment to check in with you – how are things over there?

Questions for the Guest: these are a guide only and we will just have a conversation and go where it goes.

1. Mitchell we have a heavy but important topic to cover today and In my usual fashion I what to let our audience know that our subjects today might be triggering for some people, China is a hot topic across the world today, and add that to organ harvesting.

Mitchell what is organ harvesting, why are we talking about the devastating topic today and why is it seen as “a new kind of evil that has not existed on this planet before?

2. You use the phrase forced – can you explain why it’s forced, what makes it any different from the accepted organ harvesting?

3. What is Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, and what is it all About?

4. Why was Falun Gong outlawed in China

5. Why is it being brutally persecuted by the Chinese Regime?

6. Who has actually controlled China for the last 50+ years? 

7. Where can people find more information about this atrocity; as well as the evidence that confirms that this is actually truly going on?

8. What can people do to help?

9. Any final words of encouragement or motivation for the listeners and viewers in this time today?
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guest Emmanuel Itier, Producer, Film Director from France and then Randy Hold, Emotional Integrative Hypnotherapist and Regression Hypnosis

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Thank you water

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