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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Guest, Jeannine Kuhnell, The Texas Renaissance Woman, former FBI employee, before joining the counterintelligence squad, Kuhnell and her husband at the time — who worked for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — trained bomb dogs
Guest, Janine, tarot card reader, astrology and numerology

Janine’s esoteric background includes years of intensive training in Tarot, astrology and numerology. She mentored with several teachers including spiritualist Connie Leonard. In 1993, Janine answered the call of her native ancestry by pursuing traditional medicine training with an Haida elder in the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia. Her Tarot work is featured in "Eyes of an Angel" by new age author Paul Elder. In January 2001 Janine correctly predicted some of the catastrophic events of September 11.

Janine is renown for her accuracy in predicting outcomes and infamous for intuiting romantic potentials. An effective life coach, Janine has assisted countless individuals through challenging relationship situations, career decisions and other major life transitions. Janine focuses on empowerment and helps clients awaken to their spiritual potential. She offers "spiritual alignment", exposing potential blocks and limitations - while providing powerful insights on how to "recreate our lives"