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Walter William Safar
Your Pitch

Esteemed audience,

Since I am particularly superstitious, I never give interviews to the media, because I am afraid my inspiration might escape. Without inspiration, a writer is like a lamp without oil. Still, I am aware that without promotion, my works (novels, plays and poetry) shall stray along the path of dreams like the Flying Dutchman. To a writer, his works aren't just a reflection of life itself, but an entie life in the boundless invisible. Isn't the heavenly oasis of all human emotions - the soul - invisible? Isn't the Creator invisible as well?

To quote Ralph Waldo Trine: "Everything exists in the invisible before it is manifested or realized in the visible. In that sense, it is true that invisible things are real, whie visible ones are not. Invisible things are the cause; visible things are the consequence. Invisible things are eternal, while the visible ones change and are perishable."

Thus, I would like the show's host to read the following words:

In a humble and brotherly manner,
I am asking you to pay a moment's attention to this.
Since I have recently published my novel, titled The
Gambler And The Ghost,  it would
be an honor if you would open the link. Should you decide
to buy the book, it would be an honor if you would take
the time to write a short review at the Amazon website,
To me, your opinion is like some kind of light shining
on my road of dreams. Please allow me to thank you for
your kindness in advance, because your very attention
is a sure sign of goodness.
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails" (Henry
David Thoreau)

The main character in the novel "The Gambler and The Ghost" is asking the following question: WHO AM I? What am I doing here on Earth? What is awaiting for me in the future? How to drift independently into the world, which sometimes seems filled with conflict and competition? How can I withstand daily pressures, like the loss of my beloved wife and only son? How can I be successful at work? How can I find peace amidst the chaos? How can I lead a useful and happy life?

Nowadays, may people ask these questions. Without a doubt, we can help towards creating a more sensible, better and more fruitful world - with out thoughts, feelings, conscience and deeds. Besides, we can also reflect that inner knowledge of limitless love, compassion, goodness, honesty, justice, character, power and the feel for our lives' aims, towards all people and situations within our area of experience.

Imelda Shanklin writes: "When you rule your mind you rule your world. When you choose your thoughts you choose results. The visible part of your life stems from your mind, and your thoughts shape it and mark it, just like coins are shaped and marked by mechanisms through which ore is turned into coins." So, if we become a part of what we think, how can we reach the fear that leads the way from the "invisible" to the "visible"?

"Our tenure on this small planet we call Earth is very short, and thanks to it we have an excellent opportunity to leave behind us a world that is better than the one we came into, due to the way we decide to live." Sir John Templeton

You can buy the novel at the Amazon Kindle store:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

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WALTER WILLIAM SAFAR was born on August 6th 1958 in Sherman, Texas. He is the author of a number of a significant number of poetry collections and novels, including "The Devil’s Architect” and "The Ultimate Voyage", plays such as "Brothers" and "Birdman", as well as the poetry collections "Against All Streams" and "The Boy with the Silver Tears".

The Ultimate Voyage