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Stephen Kennedy
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My music  brand is Sam Utah, a new age soundtrack producer and radio host at I play and produce improvisational electronic music and host a spiritual/philosophical blog at Google blogger.…

The blog is probably more interesting to some than the music I play but it all sort of meshes together....sound, spirituality, quantum theory, consciousness studies...somehow. After over 40 years of research  I am close to developing a wholistic model of human spiritual evolution - or general theory of evolution in which all of the universe is evolving and we are evolving with it, physically, mentally, spiritually.

My interview would probably focus on the wholistic evolutionary thinking: spirit, soul, consciousness, afterlife, reincarnation, soul creation, individuation, morphogenetic fields, micro tubules and quantum processing, quantum fields, multidimension being (consciousness). It is reall the "very big picture" of what is going on, why we are here and the purpose of existance. 

In addition I have deep knowledge on electronic synthesizers and the related music and how sound impacts the physical world - the work of Hans Jenny and Cymatics proved sound waves structure matter and the higher the frequency, the more complex the reaction in the physical world. 

Finally, I have graduate degrees in business and literature with a specialty in 19th century American Literature with deep concentration on the work of Walt Whitman.

But I think the most interesting to your listeners would be the wholistic spiritual evolution work I have done.

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Stephen Kennedy - musician, teacher, technical consultant and project manager. Now semi-retired I am beginning to work on compiling my research into a model of existance that describes how our fields of consciousness exist in more than one 3 dimensions, transcends the physical body, persists in a spiritual dimension and returns to earth in a new body. Our genes are not the driver of our form as much as our morphogenetic field is - that selects and activates our genome to produce our form (Rupert Sheldrake describes it best and explains schoos of fish and flocks of birds as well, being morphic fields controlling movements). We retain our morphic fiield from life to life and it sustains our body image withing the limits of the genetic raw material. Our brains generate fields and consciousness attaches to micro tubules (tubulins) in the brain. Microtubules have a lattice like structure ideal for information processing and quantum field generation/attachment - under anesthesia, the human conscious field disassciates from the microtubules and return as anesthesia wears off.

There are many 10's of thousands of "spiritual" experiences from deathbed visions, to channeled communications (sometimes out of the blue) to near death experiences to hypnotic regression to past lives and between lives (Newton Institute). These are my current fields of interest.