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Nicholas Kollerstrom
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Pictures of me: these are loads of pictures of me on Facebook 'Freddy Kollerstrom' After I was thrown out of my college (UCL science department) in 2008, for as people said 'denying the Holocaust' I started to wonder about it all, and have now produced the book 'Breaking thr spell The Holocaust Myth and reality' People are saying its the best book on the subject. Maybe this is because it has a fresh, science-based approach. Here are some reviews: Counter-Currents publishing: I was up on Red Ice radio. Here are some of the book reviews: Our British Revisionist website is: I guarantee your listeners will not be bored, if you want to do an interview on this subject. I'm quite known for 'conspiracy theory' stuff.

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I'm 68 years old, am a Fellow of the royal Astronomical society, have my first degree from Cambridge University (MA) and second from london (PhD). Politically I have worked for the Green Party. I have a load of history of science (astronomy) articles published, but no-one seems interested in these. I published the one book about the 2005 London bombings, seems to be the only one there is. I was a founder-member of the 911 truth group, and we still run such a monthly group in London.

Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality