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Meg Blackburn Lose
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What do ADD ADHD, Autism, Vaccines, GMO’s and Children Killing all have in common? Are these subjects related? If so, how, and what can we as a society do to expand these subjects into positive outcomes? The Keys to Advancing the Lives and Gifts of Today’s Unprecedented Generation of Sensory-Expanded Children And a look at how they are influencing all of us… For the past few years, a new kind of highly intelligent, sensory-expanded children have been joining our population. They are a clear break from the continuity of past generations…and many times their minds are leaps ahead of ours! However, they perceive the world differently than we do, they often see and hear what we do not, and they react in what would be to us “unfathomable” ways. And while the minds of this future generation of humanity is changing in spectacular and positive ways, these youngsters are finding it challenging to live and be accepted in today’s world. Not only are they not encouraged, but sometimes they are misdiagnosed as overactive, depressed, autistic, ADD, ADHD, bipolar and having Asperger’s Syndrome. Parents, schools and society are failing to understand, nurture and support these children because they are so different from previous experience. These Children of Now need a whole new approach to find their rightful place in our world today. They also help in adjusting and thriving in the world as it exists—a world which they are helping to change...And now help is on the way with Meg Blackburn Losey’s remarkable new book The Children of Now Evolution, a followup to her bestselling book The Children of Now.


Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD, is the author of the international bestseller The Children of Now along with several other books including Conversations with the Children of Now, The Art of Living Out Loud, and The Secret History of Consciousness. Dr. Meg is the creator of the Touching the Light Healing Modality and offers Certification courses. She is an international keynote speaker and lectures worldwide. Dr. Meg is a PhD of Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics and has served as a consultant to Good Morning America and 20/20.

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