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Bo Kirkwood
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The book A Purpose Driven God. For mankind there are two options, either life has purpose or is utterly purposeless with no meaning. For the secular materialist, we are all made of star dust and here by chance and chance alone. When we die we will turn back into the star dust from whence we came, with no afterlife and no accountability. For the theist, life is indeed purposeful and the universe is exquisitely fine tuned and it seems specially so for the exitance of mankind. In my book, A Purpose Driven God, I explore relativity, quantum mechanics, the biologic world, the human body and mathematics to determine the evidence for the best explanation of life. Thus we attempt to answer the most perplexing questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going and why there is something and not nothing? The evidence points to a supreme intelligence behind the universe who created the universe with mankind in mind.


Dr. Bo Kirkwood is a retired family physician who now lives in Navasota, TX where he and his wife raise registered quarter horses. He is owner of RMJ Evaluations and continues to do Impairment Ratings for the state of Texas as a Designated Doctor.  He was raised in Pasadena, TX, received a bachelor of science degree in phycology from the University of Houston, a masters degree in behavioral science from the University of Houston Clear Lake and a medical degree from the North Texas University Health Science Center in Fort Worth. After completing his internship in Garden City, MI he returned to his home town of Pasadena, TX and practiced family medicine for 36 years. He has been teaching and lecturing on Intelligent Design and Christian apologetics for many years with many of his classes available on YouTube. His previous books are Unveiling the Da Vinci Code, Christian Ethics and Medical Science and the Evolution Delusion. He has also written articles for Truth Magazine as well as other periodicals.