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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 10 May 2021

Talk Truth Radio with Dr Rain Morgan

Talk Truth Radio with Dr. Rain Morgan, banner
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Dr. Rain Morgan

Thirty years traveling the metaphysical path and eleven years of paranormal talk radio have served to mold Dr. Rain Morgan into a seasoned and multi-talented spiritual guide and counselor. Study, much practice, and mastery of many modalities eventually awarded an honorary PhD.

Dr. Rain has much to offer and invites you to browse her website. She uses up-to-date skills like NLP and Pranic Healing, as well as her natural psychic abilities to help you achieve your Life Purpose. She is an accomplished clairvoyant, an empath, medical intuitive, master healer, gemologist, herbologist, and much more!

- Metaphysical Teacher

- Healer

- Medical Intuitive

- Master Herbologist

- Life Path Coach

- Radio Host/Author

- Clairvoyant/Psychic Readings

- Abundance/Prosperity

- Sacred Sanskrit Mantras

- Custom Jewelry

"I believe that getting psychic readings is not enough. We must look at what is desired and what is blocking that desire. It is not enough to ask "what do I have coming", the real question is "what do I need to do to create what I want"? One does not need to find one's self, one need only recreate one's life where one wants to be."

Many Blessings

~Dr. Rain

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Talk_Truth_Radio, June 27, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, June 20, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, June 13, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, June 6, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, May 30, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, May 23, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, May 16, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Talk_Truth_Radio, May 9, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Dr. Rain Morgan