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Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guest Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto

Dr. Nemoto

     Adviser of IHM General Institute

     Adviser of Office Masaru Emoto

New Science of Water - Water, Information & Energy

Lis Ana is an embodied walk-in, a "mystic midwife" for the birthing of new consciousness and New Earth, as well as a healer, code-breaker and encoder working with sound as a principle tool. Since Lis Ana's walk-in experience during the 2012 solstice, she has done grid and energy work in many places around the world, including the US, Bolivia, and Peru. Using crystal bowls and tuning forks, she has performed her non-traditional ceremonies in many temples, portals, and vortices, and uses the same tools in her healing and realignment work.

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - James is in Tokyo, Japan and interviews Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto, Director of IHM General Institute and President of Office Masaru Emoto, LLC.about the healing properties of water.  Dr Nemoto has carried on with the mission of bridging the Hidden Messages of Water of Dr Emoto's work with the latest scientific research on the healing properties of water.

This week, Caroline talks about the new 26,000 year Age we are entering, and about making resolutions that will help us create a new world of peace, love, harmony, and abundance. It's about getting our priorities straight, and this is not just our yearly resolutions about losing weight and being nicer to our neighbors. This is about resolutions on a much broader scale that includes the whole world. We are talking about moving into a new 26,000 year cycle, and not bringing along a lot of baggage that no longer serves us from the last cycle.