Unstoppable Love with Lauren and Friends
Joined by Guests, Lucia Nicola Evans, a Way Shower, Transformational Coach and Guide for Women and Marjie Barbier, a Certified Massage Therapist and Surf Instructor
Topic: Spirituality and the magic of Retreats, their connections to love, healing and more.
For information on the retreat and our guests check it all out below:
Here is a direct link for their retreat: https://lucianicolaevans.com/retreats
Sister surf website to read more about their retreats:
Unstoppable Love with Lauren and Friends
Guest, Lucia Nicola Evans, Spirit of Love specializing creating sacred spaces and bringing healing
Topic: The Relationship we have with ourselves, is the most important.
Website: Lucia Nicola Evans - Transformational Coach, Self-Love, Awakening
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Ralitza Spassova, MD, Transformational Coach & Life Alchemist
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak
Guest, Sherri Ina Bausch, Multidimensional Energy Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Artist, Transformational Coach
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Stefanie Dumont, Executive and Transformational Coach, Author
Business and Money Mentors with Mia Saenz and Bonnie Gayle
Guest, Reggie Mckiver - Holistic Intuitive and Transformational Coach