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Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters presents Brent Michael Phillips

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifting 

How do you move from a place of blame to accepting responsibility for your experiences. This week we will be discussing how the subconscious mind works, and how you are a vibrational match to whatever you are experiencing. But most importantly we will be discussing that you don't have to blame yourself or anyone else, just begin to change your thought patterns and create the life you desire! My special guest will be Author Llenar Bragg.

How does your subconscious mind work? How do you reprogram your subconscious when you're not living the life you want? This week my guest Karen Blaine author of "Subconsciously Speaking" Your Path to Personal Power will explore how your subconscious and conscious mind can work in harmony. My experience has brought me to this question: How do my thoughts and actions serve me? What should my course of action be when past experiences are impacting me in a negative way? We will discuss this and more.

Today we discuss manifesting and how it relates to both your conscious and subconscious mind. For within your subconscious is the solution to every problem, and the cause for every effect. All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts. Remember, it is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result. Learn how to cease believing in false beliefs, opinions, superstitions, and fears of mankind, and start creating the life your really want today!