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Breaking News Release, July 23, 2019:

Kevin Annett announces his candidacy in Canadian Federal Election: Veteran Activist to Campaign for "Sovereignty, Justice and Independence" for the Republican Party of Kanata in Winnipeg North Constituency

Fred Burks returns to talk about some of the material released by whistle blowers on one of his sites,  His umbrella site, PEERS network, contains inspiring and motivational material for those seeking to create positive changes in our world.  He shares stories of his own, about his decision to leave the White House as an interpreter to Presidents and dignitaries, due to being asked to sign an iron clad disclosure agreement.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Det David And Dr Lana Love have a round table discussion with George Neo founder of Etherion Ecovillage and permaculture specialist Taylor about building self-sustainable living communities and the Ringing Cedars book series.

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin D Annett

Topic: Sovereignty and Re-Formation

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Dr Lana and David Love speak to David M. Gallup the president of WSA, in the year 1999.

World Service Authority promotes, educates about and implements human rights, world citizenship and world law.

World Service Authority is the administrative branch of the World Citizen Government Founded in 1953.

YouTube Video Link:

Bernhard Guenther shared his early experiences with the 'shadow realms', which led him on a journey of self-discovery, healing and body work, and spoke of the value of altered states of consciousness.  We delved into his writing, which goes far down the 'rabbit hole' of the illusions we know as "the Matrix".  His recent piece, "Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life" is an analysis of the various components of our shared co-creation.  Excerpt below:  

The People Speak banner

The People Speak with special guest Gloria La Riva.

Alexandra is on the other side of the microphone today, being interviewed by Mike Harris of Veterans Today on his radio show The Short End of the Stick. They talk about the rising tide of consciousness and awareness regarding the inter-relatedness of all people, places and events; and how we have been prevented from truly discovering our own divinity, sovereignty and joy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

Alexandra Meadors and Laura Legere team up for a review on how to take action in regaining our freedom. Laura is working on becoming a Common Law Administrator with the National Liberty Alliance and shares how this organization is here to supply all of us a very needed vehicle of support.