Everyone seems to believe that love is a good thing. However, not all would agree on what love is. Is love that warm feeling you get when you’re near a familiar person? Or is love what you feel when you hug your puppy? According to the Bible, love is caring in action. Love isn’t what we feel at all, but rather what we do. This week we look at love and how to align to it, understanding that it is a choice. My guest is author Mercedes Warrick, she is a spiritual intuitive, speaker and leadership consultant.
Art as a spiritual path can help us knit together the ideals and convictions that guide our lives. It is about allowing Universal God-Source to express through us, and to bring out the artist in each of us! Today my guest Leah Young creator of Soul Articulation will share with us her vision of what Soul Art is, and how it can help us manifest the life we want!
Once again I am joined by my special guest Carole J. Obley, author of "Soul to Soul Connections" today we discuss the Akashic record. The Akashic Record is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. Referred to in virtually every major traditional religion as the Book of Life and the Book of God's Remembrance, this body of wisdom has been an ever-present source of spiritual support. The Record is an experiential body of wisdom, insight, guidance, and healing information. Learn what it is and how to access it!