A simple article of clothing left on, rather than off, can create a fantasy of nobleman and gentry lady, of aggressive or submissive. How about leather boots and a riding crop? Can you almost smell the horses and leather! What if we role-play? We can be anyone and this can create an adrenaline rush that is quite memorable. Our sexual experiences should become memorable, and wouldn’t it be great if we could always be craving the next new thing we can try. Why not? Do we worry what others will think? Are there people we can share these desires with?
In the next hour, we will be joined by Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, author of Orgasm For Life! Jennifer is an inspirational speaker, an author of multiple books, a Certified Life Coach, a hypnotherapist, and an ordained minister. We will be exploring sexuality of our own bodies, how comfortable we are with knowing self-pleasure, and finding out how we can learn to be more comfortable. What is the harm if we do not learn it? What are the benefits if we choose to learn about individual sensuality and sexuality?
We are about to hear about how to ORGASM for LIFE! This is a book by author Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, and she will talk to us about relationships and how to truly sustain intimacy. She will talk to men about what they need to be doing, and be telling women specifics that men need as well. This will be an enlightening, edgy and invigorating show!