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Satsang with G with GP Walsh

The mind does not exist!

Ok I know, that is totally out there to most of you but, if you understood how we abstract and generalize things you would totally agree.

Mind is only an abstract word that represents something way more complex. Namely; the pattern and flow of thoughts. 

Mind is not a thing generating thoughts, it is itself a thought. But the way it works is, as soon as anything becomes an object, it automatically is believed to be aa real, objective thing.

Give a listen. It wil make a lot more sense.

Satsang with G with GP Walsh

Episode 4:

GP created an exercise that is quite powerful. it reveals that all of human suffering lies in the interpretation we give to events and not the events themselves.

In fact, we have become so hypnotized by this idea that we really believe that our interpretation of an event IS the event. We don't recognize that the event happens first and then a story forms about it based on memory, experience, context and a 100 other factors. 

None of those other 100 factors have anything to do with the actual event.

Satsang with G with GP Walsh

Episode 3: Anchoring in the Timeless

Everything we experience in our lives is time bound.

Only that which is aware of all the shifting experiences of time is beyond time.

The good news is you are that!

That totally contradicts our view of ourselves. We are so habituated into believing, firmly that you are the body, the mind, the memories, your beliefs and positions, your history and ancestry.

Satsang with G with GP Walsh

"You need nothing to be happy. You need something to be miserable" - Papaji

Have you ever stopped and questioned the assumptions we have about happiness?

We have so many debilitating beliefs about it.

The biggest one is simply the pervasive notion that happiness comes from what we have or do.

That it is something you acquire.

And so we spend our lives pursuing it and never quite attaining it. At least, not for very long.

This has got to change!

It's not that it is anybody's fault. We have all succumbed to this mass hypnosis.

Satsang with G with GP Walsh

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"Trying to understand spiritual writings as literal history is like trying to understand the Mona Lisa by examining the chemical makeup of paint" ~ GP Walsh


The mystic is not weirdo wearing funny clothes, reading esoteric books in dark rooms with a raven sitting on his shoulder.

Satsang with G with GP Walsh

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No matter where you look in the world, you will not find what you’re looking for.