The Jim Benson Show
Title: Why is there so much opposition to exposing election and voter fraud in the 2020 elections?
Subtitle: The plot to remove Donald Trump appears to have involved elements of US intelligence community and other parts of our government and society, as well as communist China and other foreign governments
Tags: Election Integrity, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, RINOs, Communism, CCP, Globalism
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Wondering why so many RINOs turn traitor after elected?
A new report revels maybe it’s because they were Democrats all along, part of a specific Dem strategy to con grassroots voters.
Plus, all signs pointing to worse economic times ahead.
The Jim Benson Show
Title: Arizona Election Audit Reveals Election Was Fraudulent
Subtitle: Democrats, RINOs continue to bitterly oppose full forensic election audits in AZ, GA, other states; what could happen if we don't win this fight
Tags: Election Integrity; Arizona Election Audit; Globalists; Capitalist Elites; World Government, World Economic Forum