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Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 250 Of The Israel Hamas War, Massive Losses for Biden with Young Minority Voters, Can Biden Overcome The Albatross Of Bidenflation And Lagging Incomes? The Full House Will Vote On Holding Attorney General Garland In Contempt Of Congress, And The Latest Jobs Report Shows Foreign-Born Workers Gained 637,000 Jobs In The Last Year

6 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 241 Of The Israel Hamas War, Urge States To Sue NY To Overturn Trump Conviction At U.S. Supreme Court! The Trump Trial Verdict Is Backfiring On Democrats And Is Mobilizing Voters In Trump's Favor, And President Biden Issues His Latest Border EO Just In Time For The Election-Where Have You’ve Been The Past Three Years?

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 235 Of The Israel Hamas War, Donald Trump’s Fate Is Now In The Hands Of A New York City Jury, Since Last Year, Negotiations Had Been Underway To Surrender America’s Sovereignty To The WHO For Any Future Pandemics And Two Jordanians Who Were Both In The U.S. Illegally Recently Attempted To Infiltrate The Marine Corps' Base At Quantico China’s New Way Of Spying

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Is Biden’s Push For Earliest Debate In History Aimed To Offset Polls Weighing Against Him Amid Inflation Dissatisfaction?  Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi Has Died In A Helicopter Crash, And Senate To Re-Introduce Its Failed Immigration Package

6 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 221 Of The Israel Hamas War, Poll After Poll Shows Joe Biden Is Trailing Donald Trump Thanks To Albatross Inflation And Lagging Incomes, Trump Leads In Most Battleground States, And Latest Figures Show Inflation Is On The Rise Again

4 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Guest, Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government and Americans for Limited Government Foundation