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Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown

The new Shadow Politics with Co-host Liberty Jones and guest Dr. Howard Doyle

Join Host Senator Michael D. Brown and Co-host Liberty Jones as they interview guest, Dr. Howard Doyle and discuss the latest in American politics and the recent death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

With Guest, George Brauchler

 It’s the great debate!  Chuck and George Brauchler will debate the Bonniwell Amendment, a proposal to change the CO GOP bylaws as part of the effort to allow the Party to opt out of the Open Primary and prevent democrats from George has long been active in the Colorado Republican Party, former DA for the 18th Judicial District and former State AG candidate.

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Patrick Neville, George Athanasopoulos and Joe Oltmann
While the President battles Democrat voter fraud, Coloradans fight for the heart and soul of the state Republican Party.   
State Representatives Patrick Neville and Dave Williams along with grassroots strategist George Athanasopoulos explain. Also, patriot Joe Oltmann on the election.

Time for the Republic of Kanata? 

“Canada’s Cromwell” Throws Down the Gauntlet to the Crown

By Sarah J. Webster on September 10, 2019

Part Two in a Syndicated Series on Kevin D. Annett

This Sunday, July 17 on 'Shadow Politics' we'll be discussing Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential selection and the Republican Convention! Our guest for the last half of the show will be Dr. John Horton, a medical doctor practicing general and preventative medicine who will speak to us about Zika and co-author of "The inner Game of Stress" with renowned sports psychology expert Timothy Gallwey.

Join myself, Maria and Kathleen Gomez as we celebrate MOTHER’S DAY worldwide and talk politics! We’ll look at the latest developments on the race to the White House from a Democratic, Republican and Independent (Kathleen’s) perspective. Will the Republicans attempt to block Trump's nomination at the convention? How serious a threat is Bernie to Hilary's nomination? Stay tuned!