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Dr Lana Love and Detective David Love speak with special guest Dr Rick Strassman author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule about his ground breaking research in the study of consciousness and his views on the nature of reality.

Awakening: Revolution Through Conscious Revelation 

This BBS Radio debut broadcast of Quantum Mindfulness Radio premieres the likes of Joel Ayala Ayapana, Registered Nurse, Veteran, public speaker, healer, writer, and the author of his new book - The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart. This inspiring broadcast covers, in brief, though intuitively speaks with passion about his cultual background, intriguing heritage, his most recent of accomplishments in academia, and in his most recent of spirited endeavors.

Throughout his career, Dr. Pressman has examined the potential of the human mind and soul. His continued explorations within traditional psychiatry, holistic-spiritual psychotherapy and eastern philosophies has proven to be a wonderfully successful alternative to the sometimes limiting constraints of traditional western psychiatry.

His extensive list of case studies outline the most difficult issues faced by many of his patients... sucessfully treating patients when traditional western psychiatry practices and medicines had little impact, if at all. Contact Dr. Pressman today.