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Hillary Clinton? Donald Trump? Who will carry America into the future? The 2016 US Presidential election has been unpredictable and surprising. America is clearly a deeply divided nation and many Americans feel alienated from the country's political system. How do we fix this and what does this mean for America?

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Who fared better in the first Presidential debate, Trump or Clinton? The ACLU, Amnesty International & the Human Watch Group are all urging President Obama to pardon Snowden, despite Snowden's release of documents detailing mass surveillance programs by the U.S. Is the pardon justified? Should marital infidelities be discussed in a Presidential debate? Join us in the discussion – we’d like to hear your thoughts on these issues!

We welcome back guest Kathleen Gomez to continue talking about the Presidential Election and other current events!

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

The Presidential Election and Future of America

Discussing the show today. Call ins are welcome:)

This is a 'choice time' for worldwide judgment of the U.S. system of electing leaders.  4-5 billion Internet users are well aware of the rigging of this election by trillionaires and billionaires behind both candidates. Since the Supreme Court gave 'personhood' to corporations - calling this 'Citizens United - the betrayal of public interests for stockholder profits has become self evident to enlightened Netizens worldwide.

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Senator Michael D. Brown reports from the front lines in Iowa following the Iowa Caucus. He will be calling in to give us a "birds eye view" as the Caucus unfolds. Maria will be in the studio giving us some historical perspective of the Caucus, the Electoral College and its origination. Fascinating history in the making!

Today we welcome my co-host, Maria Sanchez, back to the show and we'll be inviting Kathleen Gomez on for another round of talking about political affairs, the presidential race, immigration, guns, and the State of the Union speech. Never a dull moment with Kathleen!

It has already been decided. The Big Media / Big Government insiders have it all scripted for maximum ratings. They'll make it look like a big race between power elite potentates for the ultimate prize - President of the United States.

The plan is to split the conservative vote between a Republican and a populist Independent with libertarian sentiments. Remember Ross Perot? He split the conservative vote to get Bill elected. It worked back then. And Hillary is the designated driver this time around.