Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa
Safety, Sex and Power…what’s going on?
Join us on the ‘day after Valentines day’ as Sri and Kira share the myths of Sacred Union and how this form of partnership differs from traditional Relationships and even traditional Marriage.
Tune in as they explore romantic love, karmic infatuation and soul love…and learn how and WHY you should know how to discern the difference.
Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa
The Ascension energy is here and so are the culminating energies of the past 2000 years! This leads to big questions and even bigger expressions of the multitude of belief systems that have brought humanity to this very moment. What does this all mean and is there a simplicity in the midst of the complexity?
Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa
Is there a Spiritual side to Politics and if so, then what?
The political climate worldwide is in the midst of vast change and shift as more people awaken at a rapid pace. This global awakening is the basis of a deeply concerning power struggle that is heating up the energies of polarity and spouting polarizing opinion as facts. This is a recipe that can easily turn sour and is there a solution before it is too late?
This week's show of Insight Out -- the Naked Truth (7 PM PDT) will focus on the single greatest obstacle to human fulfillment. Can you guess what it is? No, it's not the powers that be, not global climate change, not power/greed/selfishness motive...though that's getting closer. It's more fundamental than that. Join us tomorrow night and find out what it is and what you can do and not do about it!. You may be surprised to find out how insidious and pervasive it is. And you may be even more surprised to find out the solution and how inexpensive it is!
Another power packed hour with host Marty Ford! Power up your Power because the Power is within you!
CAROLINE talks today about the true essence of Shamanism, and its relationship to religion. Among the wisdom traditions, Shamanism is the premier method of bringing body, mind, and spirit into balance, and restoring power, health, and harmony to a person's life as well as to Mother Nature, and all our relations. It has been praised and vilified, misunderstood and condemned, but it has survived and weathered the test of time for over 40,000 years.
For many people life is a struggle, because they believe that they are alone against the powers that be. This is a false notion, believed by society in general. You are not alone in whatever you are trying to accomplish. Whether you realize it or not, you are not even the DOER. Please join me as I share with you "becoming a channel for GOD-POWER.
How does your subconscious mind work? How do you reprogram your subconscious when you're not living the life you want? This week my guest Karen Blaine author of "Subconsciously Speaking" Your Path to Personal Power will explore how your subconscious and conscious mind can work in harmony. My experience has brought me to this question: How do my thoughts and actions serve me? What should my course of action be when past experiences are impacting me in a negative way? We will discuss this and more.