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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta

GENE DECoDE, PLANET X, Marduk, Bohemian Groove, Col Michael Aquino, Galactic Federation Vs Alliance

Timothy J Glenn returns for another "Cosmic Update".  We cover the projected path of the Nibiru/Wormwood/Planet X system, which may pass through twice, in 2017.  Towards the end, Tim mentions the books, Tragedy and Hope by Carol Quigley, None Dare Call it Treason by John Stormer, Propaganda by Edward Bernaise, and we discuss the many timelines which converge in 2017 - including Father Malachy Martin's prophecy on the Art Bell Show.  

Each month Cobra and will be presenting overview of current world events through a galactic lens. Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines.

Cobra Questions and Answers. Transcript of this interview is available on our site: Interview Transcripts