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Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with David Love and special guest Pure Angel Kommany

Show topic - Peace in Our Time - Achieving Peace

Ronna Prince, a filmmaker, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher, has taken on the challenge of sharing the story of her personal journey of opening up her heart to live life with more powerful purpose, passion and peace.  This film is very nicely done with a powerful messages shared by a number of prominent people...each of whom has walked their own journey of self-discovery.

WALK IN BALANCE is the topic of today's show with Caroline Wise King. Hear how many things are out of balance in our world today creating chaos, fear, and apprehension about the future. Caroline narrows it down to specifics, and shares how each of us can begin to balance our lives and create harmony within our family circle, our community, and our world. The world is so badly out of balance that it threatens the very existence of life on earth, but it is NOT too late to turn it around. If each of us does our part, we can restore Mother Earth and bring Peace to our world.

Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality. Sound is a type of energy medicine that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. Through the current flourishing of research in the field, today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honored science. Today my guest are Regina Murphy and Richard Plunkett from The secrets of sound therapy will be discussing the benefits of this therapy and how it works.