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At The Kumara Center for Spiritual Awareness, I facilitate group meditations each month during the new and full moons. Rarefied energies from our central sun bathe Earth at these times and group meditation brings with it the benefit of exponentially increasing the expansion of consciousness for the entire collective, versus individual meditation practiced at home.

As we in the United States celebrate Independence Day again, I am moved to take the concept it is built upon and put it under greater scrutiny.

What is it to be free? Here in America, we think we are free because we have civil rights set in place by our forebears, the right to vote for our elected officials and the ability to move within the country as we please.

When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty pictures with quotes about how the world is just a dream and how we all need to move out of duality consciousness.

Lovely, right?

So, if all these “awakened” people truly believe what they share, why aren’t they attending Satsang or working with a spiritual guide?