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Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Mary Cordova and Ink

An interview with a Native American Mayan Shawoman on the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.

(1st) Interview with Mary Cordova

(2nd) Interview with Native American shawoman

(3rd) Interview with Native American shawoman

(4th) Interview on the prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle

Talking a lot about ancient Native American wisdom!

Mary Cordova, famous Mayan who starred in the movie YACUN and then Mayan Indian wise woman, “Ink”

Bridging Wisdom with Cathy Cook

Bridging Wisdom with Cathy Cook

Guests, John DeBoer, Native American Flute

Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American Earth Keeper, Wisdom teacher, Healer, Visionary, Singer/Song Writer, motivational Speaker, Author of "Buffalo Woman Comes Singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance", shares her wisdom about living a sustainable lifestyle honoring Mother Earth and all our relations.

This week, my guest will be Brooke Medicine Eagle, Author, Singer/songwriter, Recording Artist, and Visionary Wisdom Teacher.. She is of mixed heritage - Native American and European - but has chosen to walk the Red Road honoring the sacred teachings of Ancestral Native Americans.

My guest on Shaman's Keep will be Steven Ash, author of "Sacred Drumming". He was born in Britain, but grew up on Native American reservations in Canada where his father was the reservation doctor. Steven learned healing and natural medicine with his father, and later lived and studied with Ted Williams, Chief and Medicine Man for the Raven Tribe. He was given the name, Buffalo Spirit Man, and given the honor of being a pipe carrier by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man. He now resides in the UK where he teaches alternative healing methods at the College of Sound Healing.

This week, Brooke Medicine Eagle will be with us. She's an inspiring spiritual teacher of Native American wisdom, author, singer/song-writer, and healer. She has been on the forefront of New Age thinking blending the time honored Native American ways with the spiritual awakening that has be sweeping the world in the last 25 years. She sees a bigger picture than most, and has an inspiring vision of the future. Be sure and tune in for a higher vision of what the future holds for all of us.

This week we welcome Wabun Wind as our guest. She is a journalist and author, and had the distinct privilege of being "medicine helper" for nearly 25 years to Sun Bear, the Chippewa visionary who formed The Bear Tribe Medicine Society. Together, they wrote many books on Native American spiritual beliefs, and conducted Medicine Wheel gatherings all over the world, welcoming people from every culture and from every walk of life to become members of The Bear Tribe. It was Sun Bear's vision of the future - that all people, regardless of race or gender.

Wabun Wind, will be sitting in for me as host this week. She was Sun Bear's Medicine Helper and co-authored several books with him. She will be sharing more about the Medicine Wheel and how to use it, plus - she will have as her guest, Star Savoy, an astrologer who has developed a technique using western solar astrology together with Native American lunar astrology and the Medicine Wheel for a more complete and well rounded reading. This will be a great show, so don't miss it!