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Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: EMF 5G Exposure

Electronics are emitting higher vibrational electromagnetic frequencies, how are we being affected by these frequencies? Stress at the cellular level, chaotic radiation, nanotechnology, manipulation, AI, with all these things happening, we focus on the solution-energy work, consciousness, compassion. Hold the space energetically so that the highest intention can take place.

Ken Rohla returns to share a broad range of thoughts on subjects which threaten organic life on earth, and that further the already vast chasm between those "in charge" and the rest of humanity.

Michael Fitzhugh Bell discussed what it is like to be a Targeted Individual.  His book, "The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and their Use Against Humanity", is available at Amazon Books.  "The Invisible Crime - Part Two - A Targeted Individual, Synthetic Telepathy and Global Criminal Biomedical Human Experimentation - A True Story", is the sequel to Michael Fitzhugh Bell's first book, soon to be available.

George Kavassilas returns to cover a vast array of topics relating to two basic paths:  technological and organic, and the choices each person is confronted with.  An uplifting, yet realistic view of what's happening on Planet Earth today, and how to navigate choppy waters.

Dr. Richard Allen Miller opened up on an array of topics including the dangers of the 5G network.

Max Igan spoke about the necessity to discover the hidden truths about the coming 5G network, "The Internet of Things", and the relationship to chemtrails, nanotechnology and trans-humanism.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra Silby Meadors and Laura Legere have an open chat about the topics of the day, including missions, Trump's State of The Union, and more.

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