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JD Rucker Show

Title: Mike Pence, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Failing Deep State

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

You should be paranoid…. Amazon shut a man’s “smart home” down after a false claim he made a racist comment. They are always listening and watching so don’t make it easy for them.  

Plus the GOP needs to walk the walk and use the power of the purse to rein in corrupt DOJ. And even Mike Pence can’t say who supports him.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta

Ep. #408: Utsava-ACCURATE, TRUMP Will Run Against NOTHING! Qohn Galt, JFK Jr., Mike Pence, California, Jared Kushner, Cures, Vincent Fusco

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta


The Lost Gospel of Q, Anti-Christ, Pineal Gland & HCQ Connection, Ark of the Covenant, Mike Pence, Great Awakening, Adrenochrome, and much more!

Salon writer, Matthew Rozsa put out a seething piece Dec. 2, 2107 warning Jews not to be foolish and trust Mike Pence or the Christian Right.  See Karen Kataline's piece in the Daily Caller: