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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: Releasing the Grip of the Retrograde


Seminar with Cmdr. Lady Athena

Alexandra Meadors and Capt. Jack review more information about his travels to Mars and his experiences before "the Secret Space Program" was even established. His 60+ years of off-world travel are fascinating, offering a completely different perspective on who our allies are, how we travel through space, what dimensions are, the challenges of disclosure, alternative views on the greys, a variety of giant insectoids, and much much more. Jack shares clarifications on heads of state regarding eating human flesh, wormholes, and Pleiadians.

Alexandra Meadors and Johnny Alpha continue with the interview where they go into great depths regarding his Mars missions beginning in the '70's prior to the official "Secret Space Program."

Alexandra Meadors and Johnny Alpha go into great depths regarding his Mars missions beginning in the '70's prior to the official "Secret Space Program."

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland Interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Alexandra Meadors and Capt. Randy Cramer have a thorough conversation on the details of his career as an off world Special Services, Special Division Officer and his Secret Space military assignments and experiences. You don't want to miss this interview!

Please submit questions for our future interviews.