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New Reality Solutions with Dr Christina Winsey and Dr Art Emrich

Can You Really Create a "Perfect Life"?

According to our guest, the Emotional Break-Through Mentor, Paul Levin, problems come in all sizes. Some are small. Some are really big. Problems fill our daily lives, unless… 

Unless you have the tools and experience to make ever one of your problems disappear.  

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on

Topic: Manifest What you Believe

Date Posted to YouTube: October 05, 2018

YouTube Video Link:

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Now that I'm Awake...HOW do I function in the "real" world?

Ready to THRIVE and empower your Spiritual life in the 9-5 world?  Get ready to manifest! Join Sri & Kira as they explore the role & power of conscious intention in everyday life.  

What role does karma really play in your life’s circumstances?  Did we really choose everything that has happened to us?  How does all this impact our daily lives, the world around us, and this moment in history?  Are we really responsible?

Effortless Inner Manifesting: Boots ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Ten days ago I was in Stockholm, for the first time since 1978.  My main
focus was to take my Mom's ashes to the house my family lived in back then.
 I didn't really have any other agenda.  It was the last part of a
sixteen day trip, four countries, four languages, three currencies.

In the back of my head, though, I thought about Laplander boots.