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One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery


Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett

Title: A May Day Message from the Republic: Are We Ready for Liberty? A Higher Call

Title: The Future Under Liberalism. Clinton Body Count Rises


College students can’t define what they support. This is our future if parents don’t do their job.


Haiti Official mysterious suicide. Set to testify against Clinton Foundation in Haiti supposedly shot himself in the head.


3 audio clips on Clinton body count  

This issue is the federal government controlling a private industry which is unconstitutional. The GOP transfers penalties from the IRS and to the private insurance companies. This is collusion. 

Ted Cruz wants a fund, paid for by the tax payers, to give to insurance companies to lower premiums for people who cannot afford to pay full price. 

This is Communism. 

Title: Healthcare Repeal Scam right up to the White House  

Promises to repeal Obamacare are not being kept. Once government intrudes in our lives, they never let go. The federal government, no matter who is in control, still wants to control to our detriment. 

Title: America – A Republic or a Democracy?

A republic protects individual sovereignty and God given natural rights whereas a democracy is mob rule and group sovereignty

True Christian Libertarians founded our country.  

Alexandra Meadors and Adam Apollo discuss his upcoming event which he has designed specifically for the emerging leadership of the Earth, The Sword and the Chalice event, to be held in Germany starting July 4, 2016. They discuss how that they will cover such topics as the Return of the Round Table and Restoring the Circles of Avalon! Please click below to register:

Alexandra Meadors and Adam Apollo discuss the parallels of Camelot, Egypt, the British Isles and the idea that we reincarnate back into similar missions with our soul families over many thousands of years. Adam highlights how damaging Christianity’s role was in that there was no longer any acceptance of the diversity of divinity in the Universe and the tremendous fear that this induced as so many lost their loved ones in various incarnations or their very lives because they did not fit into this religious mold.

Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez discuss Important Issues affecting everyone, and taking callers! Conversations include discuss on Drugs, Liberty, Guns and other central issues!