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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Guest Host, Mark Pfoff, and guest, John San Augustin

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown

Guest, Pamela Smith, Chief of Police and has over 25 years of law enforcement experience and a decorated career having achieved numerous commendations and awards.

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg


Thursday, February 8th
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Host: Roman Karpishka
Guest: #FFFCertifiedMedium Bobbi Allison

According to her website, Bobbi can relay messages from master guides through automatic writing. She is also a remote viewer, enabling her soul to be transported to locations of missing items and people. For over a decade, Bobbi has helped hundreds around the globe, including law enforcement and private investigators!

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Medium Insights with Roman Karpishka and Bobbi Allison


Thursday, October 12th
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Host: Roman Karpishka
Guest: #FFFCertifiedMedium Bobbi Allison

According to her website, Bobbi can relay messages from master guides through automatic writing. She is also a remote viewer, enabling her soul to be transported to locations of missing items and people. For over a decade, Bobbi has helped hundreds around the globe, including law enforcement and private investigators!

Responder Resilience with David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly

The Leaders Playbook featuring 11 Expert Guests, Chiefs and Company Officers from Fire, Law Enforcement, EMS, and Military

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Medium Insights with Roman Karpishka and guest Bobbi Allison


Thursday, November 10th

8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)

Host: Roman Karpishka

Guest: #FFFCertifiedMedium Bobbi Allison,

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline and guests Dr. Mark Sherwood and Heidi St. John

Guest #1: Dr. Mark Sherwood

Dr. Mark Sherwood was born in Tulsa and raised in nearby Berryhill.  His time was spent in law enforcement and at the Functional Medical Institute helping thousands of patients. He and his wife, Michele L. Neil-Sherwood together form a partnership of principled leadership. Together they have successfully treated 10,000 covid patients, resulting in zero deaths.

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Topic: Law Enforcement

We all better wake up to what's happening, the division is manipulating us, and we will need law enforcement and the military on our side. Free speech is being attacked and if the 1st Amendment is abolished...well, maybe that's why we have the 2nd Amendment. We can't let things spiral out of control and being a well-informed citizenry is our best bet.

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Mark Pfoff and Matt Dunn

Woke lefties are freakin out over the Rittenhouse trial as their fake news narrative crashes and burns.  

Law enforcement expert Mark Pfoff talks about the case… as it heads to the jury.  

Plus Russia Hoax expert Matt Dunn on what we can and cannot expect from the Durham indictments.

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Jan Cook and Mark Pfoff

Hundreds rally in Colorado and thousands sign a petition asking Gov. Polis to let Coloradans go back to work.  Colorado Freedom Force’s Jan Cook joins Chuck and Julie to talk about the movement.

And former El Paso County Sheriff investigator Mark Pfoff joins us to talk about law enforcement during the shut-down.