Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Inner Voice and Consciousness! What *is* our Inner Voice? How do we hear, much less listen to, the still small voice within? What is channeling, how do we unconsciously channel others and how can we channel ourSelves as Consciousness, accessing our own inner wisdom instead?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Authentic Voice and Consciousness. When is it wise to listen to fear, and when is fear just 'gremlin voices' holding you back?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about "Pets and Consciousness". What energetic place to pets hold in our lives? When our pets pass on, where do they go? Tune in today for the answers to these questions and more!
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Good and Evil, and Consciousness. Why does evil exist in the world? What is Good and Evil from the perspective of Consciousness?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Individually creating within the Collective Consciousness. Different levels of consciousness, weather, can be influencing us as we create our realities. How do we create our own reality in the midst of everyone else's reality??
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Clearing Out and Consciousness! Whether it's clearing out our bodies through illness or cleanse, clearing out our homes of physical clutter, or clearing our minds, our emotions, our finances... how does this help our experience of the field Unified Consciousness? Janet and Joan will explore this and other interesting things from Heart Centered Awareness!
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Conscious Happiness with Lori Peters, host of Happiness Hangout on BBS Radio! What *is* happiness from the perspective of Consciousness? How can you be happy when your life sucks? What can you do to shift your awareness from things happening "to you" to creating it all as Consciousness?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Anchoring and Centering in your body. As Consciousness we encompass multidimensional realities, but to fully experience and enjoy this one we have to be anchored in our body. Life wouldn't be as fun without a body to revel in physical pleasures! We'll share some ways to be in this world and not of this world.
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Groups and Consciousness. Groups can be supportive, groups can help raise your awareness and help you move forward. But groups can also limit you. How can you stay with groups that you like to be a part of, yet not be held back by them?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about releasing your emotional baggage. We don't really want to forget the past, we just want to let go of regretting the past. How to appreciate the power of the present moment, and initiate future change from the Now.