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Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guest Deborah​ Golding

Topic: Rebirth and Resistance: Putting our renewed hope into action

First: Rebirth and Resistance​

Then: Replay from March 29, 2020

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett doing a live 8 minute introduction and then into a rerun from October 06, 2019

Topic: Why are we surprised at the present tyranny? Remembering how we got here

Stopping the Crimes: Overcoming the Censor in us and around us - with Kevin Annett
Opening song: There but for Fortune
Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guests Deborah​ Golding

Topic: How to Fight the Police State, with advice from Sun Tzu

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guests Deborah and Brenda

Topic: The War is Upon Us: Resisting the New Police State, with Kevin Annett, Deb Golding and Brenda Everall

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett and guest Deborah Golding

Topic: Fighting Fear and the Police State with Soul Power and Community Power: A Dialogue with Kevin Annett and Deborah Golding

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett doing a live intro which leads into an interview.

Topic: Prosecuting the Killers in Power: New Actions by Kevin Annett and the International Common Law Court

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett and guest Candace Brown Bear Woman

Topic: The Face of Genocide Today on Canada's West Coast: with special guest Candace Brown Bear Woman

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett

Topic: Ongoing Crimes of the United Church of Canada

Live Introduction by Kevin and then we aired rerun dated 10-14-2018 with guests Bill Annett and Katie Stoqua

Evil has a Name and an Address: crimes of the United Church of Canada

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett

Topic: Canada's West Coast Genocide: China, Trudeau and Pipelines

Live Introduction by Kevin and then we aired rerun dated 01/28/2018 with guest Merv Richie, Naming and Standing Down the Killers

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Kevin Annett

Topic: Why the Church of Rome is Falling, and more: Some Reflections