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Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss how to reprogram our thinking, adjust our point of view, and generate a compelling future that’s bigger and brighter than we’ve ever dreamed possible.


When it comes to expanding what’s possible in our lives, the first and most important step in the right direction is changing our point of view. But, how do we actually do that?

Deepen in the Divine with Scott Krysta

Deepen in the Divine with Scott Krytsa and call in guest Sheldon Jo

Remembrance that the true journey is joining and full memory and experience of God. How we get there is as varied as the number of souls in the universe. if you have landed here, than there is a part of you wanting to Deepen in the Divine. Welcome Home. 

Energy Medicine Radio with Dr Wu Dhi

Interview with Julia Vergara

Today on Affirmations for living "Dream Time" Have you ever said, "It’s only a dream"? While we often dismiss dreams, or fail to make room for them in the hurry of our daily lives, dreams can be a fabulous source of guidance, healing, and "juice" for challenges of everyday life. If you want to solve a problem, or need a fresh perspective, sleep on it. I will share the tools and techniques to do just that!