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Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young

Unlimited Life with Nicole Brandon

Unlimited Bride with Nicole Brandon and guest Michelle Karen

Nicole's Guest: Michelle Karen, Astrologer

French and Finnish born, Michelle became aware of her psychic medium gift as a child and after devouring Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs at 14, decided to become a professional astrologer.

Geoff Tate's (Queensryche)

Video 1  

Operation: Mindcrime - 'Re-Inventing the Future'

Video 2

Operation: Mindcrime -'Burn'

American Truth Finders with Neil Douglas Part 3 Our Ionized Atmosphere and Space Fence Future.  Guests Elana Feeland and Billy Hayes

This week, Brooke Medicine Eagle will be with us. She's an inspiring spiritual teacher of Native American wisdom, author, singer/song-writer, and healer. She has been on the forefront of New Age thinking blending the time honored Native American ways with the spiritual awakening that has be sweeping the world in the last 25 years. She sees a bigger picture than most, and has an inspiring vision of the future. Be sure and tune in for a higher vision of what the future holds for all of us.

This week we welcome Wabun Wind as our guest. She is a journalist and author, and had the distinct privilege of being "medicine helper" for nearly 25 years to Sun Bear, the Chippewa visionary who formed The Bear Tribe Medicine Society. Together, they wrote many books on Native American spiritual beliefs, and conducted Medicine Wheel gatherings all over the world, welcoming people from every culture and from every walk of life to become members of The Bear Tribe. It was Sun Bear's vision of the future - that all people, regardless of race or gender.

WALK IN BALANCE is the topic of today's show with Caroline Wise King. Hear how many things are out of balance in our world today creating chaos, fear, and apprehension about the future. Caroline narrows it down to specifics, and shares how each of us can begin to balance our lives and create harmony within our family circle, our community, and our world. The world is so badly out of balance that it threatens the very existence of life on earth, but it is NOT too late to turn it around. If each of us does our part, we can restore Mother Earth and bring Peace to our world.

WABUN WIND joins Caroline to discuss allopathic medicine, wholistic medicine, and traditional Shamanic practices.

HANK WESSELMAN has been a Shamanic Practitioner for 30 years, but he is also a paleo-anthropologist with a Masters Degree in Zoology, and a Doctoral Degree in Anthropology. Over the past 40 years, he has conducted research with an international group of scientists exploring Eastern Africa's Great Rift Valley in search of answers to human origins. His fieldwork has allowed him to live among indigenous tribal people who have rarely had contact with outsiders and to encounter their traditional Shaman.