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The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

April 21 Radio Show Theme:

My Coaching Program, Part 4

Tools and Resources for success


Segment 1:

1. Losing Focus 

2. Feeling Alone 

3. Destructive Thoughts 

4. Internal Resistance 

5. Low Energy 

6. Negative Emotions  

Losing Focus: Milestones and Rewards

4 milestones are good enough to be motivational, but still challenging

Feeling Alone: Setting up a support system

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: Entities, earthbound spirits, & extraterrestrials

Feeling separated or disconnected, sometimes we feel the need to call in company.

Ataana Healing Method, energy healing, feeling alone, abandoned, rejected, disconnected, filling unoccupied space, helplessness, depression, source light connection, re-negotiate agreements, energy work